Automating Introductions: A New Dawn in the SmartMatchApp Experience
Серпень 25, 2023
Is there anything more tedious than manually creating matches and sending emails for each one? With the advent of automation, the SmartMatchApp is here to revolutionize your experience and make your work process a whole lot smoother. Let's dive in and discover how you can automate introductions in the Smart Match app!
Workflows in the SmartMatchApp
If you are using SmartMatchApp, you’re familiar with automations features. Recently we added new triggers and actions in our automations feature, so that you can put your introductions on auto-pilot. We will show you how to automate your introductions, by setting up only two workflows! The first workflow turns suggestions into matches automatically, while the second sends an email to your client once the match is created.
How to Automate Introductions?
In this video we showed how to automate your introductions, step by step
Step 1: Turning Suggestions into Matches Automatically
If you are tired of moving match suggestions to match groups for hundreds of clients, you can now automate it by creating one workflow in our automation feature. You can apply conditions and settings, so that this workflow will only be applied for the clients that are satisfying conditions you set up. This way, suggestions are automatically turned into matches, saving you time and effort.
Step 2: Send Automated Email to Clients
The suggestions are now automatically moved to appropriate match groups, but what’s next? We’ll create another simple workflow that will send an email to your client, once a match is created. This eliminates the need for you to manually send hundreds of emails each time a match is made, freeing up your time for more critical tasks.
Ready to Embrace Automations?
Are you excited about the prospect of a more streamlined approach to introductions in the Smart Match app? Get ready to let go of the old school manual approach and embrace the future of automation!
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