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Create Smart Automation Workflows and Action Sequences

February 09, 2021


We live in interesting times. Times where technology makes our daily lives better and easier. Many industries are now starting to integrate automation into their business models.

We would like to introduce you to the new automation features, freshly baked by our rockstar developers for matchmakers, trade associations, and membership organizations You can now create totally custom workflows within your matchmaking database to trigger a variety of automated action sequences. A variety of triggers are at your disposal to work within the matchmaking software. You’ll be able to set up action sequences to send notifications, messages and reminders when custom trigger conditions are satisfied. Allow our smart automation to do all the heavy lifting for you while you spend that priceless time where it matters the most to you.

Key Features

  • Create completely custom workflows to trigger preselected set of smart action sequences
  • Choose any triggers and add actions to start automatically executing your mundane tasks
  • Emails or send text message notifications to clients or agency users within workflow rules

It is a pretty straight forward concept, simplicity is the key

Step 1: Think of a workflow that will make your life a pure heaven. 

Step 2: Set up fully custom triggers to activate a set of actions. 

Step 3: Populate your workflow with actions that will be executed when a trigger activates. You can even take it a step further with your smart automation and to make your actions more precise. 

Step 4: Setting up conditions for your actions that will allow your them to be executed only if a particular rule is met, for example applying your actions only to the clients on a certain list, or creating a delay for the action execution, maybe a day or maybe a few hours.

Key Benefits

  • Time saving automations will make your manual work disappear and allow workflows to take over your most unwanted labor 
  • Flexibility in your actions, pick and choose from a list of triggers and actions whatever suits your needs the most 
  • Affordable pay-per-use price tag will let you stay on budget while automating your business productivity

Allow smart automations to work for you. We promise they’ll make you proud. You can adjust your custom workflow in any way you see fit and then some. Let the system handle follow ups from now on. Let the system take care of creating user accesses or keeping everyone posted via notifications Let the system monitor your surveys, schedules and contracts and react accordingly to your set automated rules. 

Explore our training video on How to Use Smart Automation Features

Adding a workflow to your smart automation screenshot

Adding a workflow to your smart automation screenshot

Smart automation interface with a setup actions chain screenshot

Smart automation interface with a setup actions chain screenshot

Creating an action to trigger after particular condition is satisfied screenshot

Creating an action to trigger after particular condition is satisfied screenshot

Technology is taking over the world? Well, at least it’s taking over our manual labor, that’s a fact. We know for sure that time is of the essence and sincerely believe that time is meant to be spent on what matters the most. Our smart automations are yours to command! Think of a workflow, create triggers, set up actions. We’d like to wish all you, our dearest users, to have an amazing Valentine’s Day. May you and your loved ones be blessed today and always!

Until next time :)

2024 © SmartMatch Systems Inc.


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