FAQ about Matchmaking Software CRM

Top questions asked on selecting a smart database to service your matchmaking business

For what industries can I use matchmaking software?

You can use a matchmaking CRM to match people for dating and relationships, investors with startups, tutors with students, mentors with mentees, parents with nannies, jobs with candidates, and more. Sky’s the limit. Please visit our Industries Page to see additional examples.

How secure is my data?

We’re GDPR, Privacy Shield, and PIPEDA compliant. Your data is being stored at the best and the fastest servers in the world, AWS Amazon. We implement modern procedures for enhanced security such as 2 Factor Authentication, and more. Please visit our Privacy Policy Page for more information.

Is it possible and how easy is it to customize the system?

Yes, you can apply your own branding with the logo, and you can create your own custom fields for matchmaking, custom reports and workflows, plus a complete white label option is available. Please visit our Features Page for more information.

Can the software automate my tasks?

Yes, we offer a variety of triggers and actions to create automated sequences, match suggestions, reminders, messages and notifications, automate your tasks or your entire workflow. Please learn more about Automations in our blog.

Can I integrate my matchmaking database with my website or with other applications?

Yes, you can integrate your matchmaking database with virtually any website or application via our custom web forms, with Zapier or via our custom open API integrations. You can even integrate with your social channels and your newsletters. Please read more about Zapier Integration in our blog.

Would it be possible for me to invoice my clients from the software?

Yes, you can integrate your Stripe account with your matchmaking database and send custom invoices to your clients, or create subscription plans and run financial reports. Please read more about Payment Integration in our blog.

Is the CRM mobile and tablet friendly?

Yes, your system is a PWA, progressive web application, meaning it’ll look gorgeous on all devices. Please read more about Adaptive Interface in our blog.

Can I allow my clients to log in to their profiles and use the matchmaking application too?

Yes, you can allow your clients to log in to your matchmaking system and update their profiles. You can even create a member portal to allow your clients to see their own suggestions and chat with one another. Please read more about Member Portal Experience in our blog.

What will my clients see when I introduce them to one another?

It’s all up to you, you can pick and choose what your clients will see, including pictures and videos. You can share all contact details or keep them anonymous.

What if I’m new to the technologies and it’s my first time using the CRM, will I get help and personal support?

Our team provides one-on-one training and consulting services, and we can even set up your entire matchmaking database from start to finish, or build you a beautiful website if there’s a need.

2024 © SmartMatch Systems Inc.


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