See What's New in SmartMatchApp
November 22, 2019
We are constantly working on new features and improvements to our matchmaking CRM software to make it easier for you to match and connect people.
Not all of the improvements are big, in fact, there are many improvements that are quite small - but we think you'll find them quite handy! We’re confident that these improvements will make a big difference in your day to day work.
You can also find these improvements in the News section in the SmartMatchAp interface. See the top right corner menu the button with the exclamation sign.
Here is a short summary of small improvements and bug fixes that were released recently:
Suggestions are now available on your Dashboard
Now you can see all the suggestions in one place filtered by top match %
Go to Dashboard / Suggestions
Set a minimum age for submission forms
Now you limit your submissions below a certain age to minimize the spam on your website
Go to Settings/ Client / Submission Forms / Choose the form / General / Scroll down to Allow only clients older than
Refresh button gets a new look for Suggestions in client profiles
Now it says Refresh so that you know it has to be refreshed in order to see the newest matches
"Create Note" and ‘Create Task” option under Actions in the client profiles
In client profiles, you can now create task and create note right from the Actions tab under the main photo
Email added as an option for Empty Fields in clients advanced search
You can no easily search for anyone who is missing an email in your database
Go to Clients / Advanced Search / Empty Fields
Added ability for agency managers to duplicate submission forms
Now instead of just having to create same fields all over again for new similar web forms, you can easily duplicate an existing form
Go to Settings / Client / Submission Forms / Choose a Form / General / Duplicate
Smart Match App is an award-winning matchmaking and membership management software CRM servicing more than 100,000 users worldwide
2025 © SmartMatch Systems Inc.