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  • Web forms payment integration, two-factor authentication, bulk actions, and more goodies added to your favorite matchmaking software

Web forms payment integration, two-factor authentication, bulk actions, and more goodies added to your favorite matchmaking software

November 23, 2021


When the New User Interface went live we knew that there would be more improvements to be made. We have made 5 updates that are worth mentioning here today.  The detailed descriptions of the updates, including the major security boost features and additional methods to collect payments from your clients are below. After all, we have to keep up with our reputation of being the best matchmaking CRM software on the market.

Security improvements

We really do care about our clients' data safety and here are the steps we have taken to improve the system security and raise your data protection to the next level.

  • Implemented a two-factor authentication system for our users and for your clients who access the Profile Wizard. 
  • Added additional protection for bulk deleting actions to avoid mistakes from the user side. 
  • Provided ability to customize user session timeouts. 

SmartMatchApp updates the security, bulk email sending protocols, improved Profile Wizard functionality and integrate additional payment method to allow our customers to collect payments within the submission forms

Payment collection within the web forms

We added the option to collect payment from your client during the process of submission. You can set up any of your web forms to request your clients to pay before they subscribe or pay their initial membership or application fee. Only once the payment is complete will they be added to your database. In addition, to simplify your job, the process is automated, so no more manual invoices and you will receive your fees upfront!

SmartMatchApp updates the security, bulk email sending protocols, improved Profile Wizard functionality and integrate additional payment method to allow our customers to collect payments within the submission forms

Bulk email and text sending improvements

After receiving complaints of bulk email and text session timeouts, we improved the protocol for mass actions. Now, when you send a bulk message our system processes the tasks in the background which completes the process without distracting your work and without timeouts. You now have the ability to send messages to as many clients in your database as you wish. Go matchmakers!

Profile Wizard photo uploading section improvement

We already know you love the Profile Wizard. It is an easy tool that allows your clients to complete or update their matchmaking profiles. Only one cloud darkened the sky - uploading multiple photos to the Wizard. Now we have cleared the sky and improved the process for your clients. It is now possible for your clients to drag and drop photos into the photo section one-by-one or in bulk. In addition we added the ability to delete photos if they were added by mistake. Seems like a small update but it will significantly improve user experience. Wizardry!

SmartMatchApp updates the security, bulk email sending protocols, improved Profile Wizard functionality and integrate additional payment method to allow our customers to collect payments within the submission forms

System translation into French

We are proud to be able to translate the SMA interface for our clients all over the world. Last month SMA was translated into French. Now inside the agency settings you can choose English, Dutch, German or French to represent all outgoing information to your customers within the selected language. If you need translation to any additional languages please let us know and we will do it for you to be as close to your clients as possible!

SmartMatchApp updates the security, bulk email sending protocols, improved Profile Wizard functionality and integrate additional payment method to allow our customers to collect payments within the submission forms

Overview of the Key Benefits

  • SMA becomes significantly secure with 2 Factor Authentication (2FA)
  • The additional payment option will save your time and provide you with only the best leads
  • Improvements to sending mass email will allow you to communicate with any number of your clients in a few clicks
  • The updated Profile Wizard and additional language will improve your clients’ user experience

Overview of Key Features

  • Two Factor Authentication (2FA) option and protected deletion protocol
  • Ability to collect payments within the web forms
  • Possibility to send mass email and text messages directly from the CRM

Until next time :)

2025 © SmartMatch Systems Inc.


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