Event Matchmaking Software CRM for Communities and Networks

SmartMatchApp is a customizable event matchmaking Software CRM that can transform your events into smart networking and matchmaking opportunities by matching your attendees.

Networking Events

Make event introductions in minutes

Introduce your attendees before, during and after the event, in minutes. Get the most out of your networking events.

Book event meetings easily

Schedule meetings in your network or community in just a few clicks with the cross-availability feature.

Create matchmaking events

Turn your events into amazing networking and matchmaking opportunities by matchmaking your attendees before, during and after the event.

Build event community platform under your brand

Invite your attendees to update their profiles, pre-match with other members, receive introductions, and see upcoming events.

Organize speed dating and speed networking events

Professional event organizers from different industries are using our speed dating and speed networking software to effortlessly match their attendees.

Get Started

2025 © SmartMatch Systems Inc.


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